Wall plugs

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Wall plugs

Klimas Wkręt-met frame fixings are innovative solutions for fastening and stabilizing structures.

Conrete plugs are widely used in many industries such as construction, industry, civil and marine engineering. They are components that are used to fasten and stabilize a variety of structures, from lightweight wooden structures to heavy steel structures. Plugs provide an effective solution to many of the problems associated with maintaining the durability and safety of structures under various conditions.

Conrete wall plugs

Used in different types of substrate wall pluga on their design, material properties and technical requirements. Conrete wall plugs for both reinforced concrete structures and precast concrete elements. They are used to fix structural elements such as partitions, railings, steel elements or machinery.

Wall plugs are a key solution for installation. Thanks to their design with a sleeve, strut element and screw, they guarantee a secure fastening. Ideal for shelves, metal structures or installations. Durable materials, such as stainless steel, ensure durability. Versatile in applications – both at home and in industry. A guarantee of stability and effective installation in concrete.

Installation in materials with hollow spaces

They can be used to attach components to brick or concrete block walls. Properly designed wall plugs for hollow spaces can provide a permanent fixing in these substrates.

It should be remembered that the selection of the right plug for a particular substrate is important and should be based on an analysis of soil conditions, loads and design requirements. It is also necessary to follow the relevant standards and guidelines for fastening in a particular type of substrate, and refer to the Klimas Wkręt-met technical documentation.


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